Hidden Urban Trails | Riverbend Rd. Athens, GA Edition

I love the idea that even in the most urban areas – there are still really random trails to explore and use.
I’ve lived in the Riverbend Rd area of Athens, GA for 4 years – and only last week did I stumble across this really cool and useful trail up and down Riverbend Rd.
It runs parallel to the Athens Bypass and Riverbend Rd (which is super-hilly). The trail itself is quite narrow and rooty – but in good enough shape to run on. It’s well-shaded and is way better than trying to run on Riverbend – which might be possibly one of the Top 10 Worst Places to run in Athens, GA.
Here’s a Google map and photos from along the way…
View Hidden Athens Trails in a larger map

The trail was only about 1.5 miles – so I continued running. I decided to explore the old sewer plant on College Station Road – the source of the infamous ‘Poop on the Loop’ or ‘East Campus Stench’. It’s been replaced with new plant and a new bridge. Awful running environment, but neat to explore.

Then, I ran back to the trailhead where I began…and was a total sucker for railroad shots.