3 Reasons Why Tech Sabbaths Are Underrated

3 Reasons Why Tech Sabbaths Are Underrated 1

A Tech Sabbath or Tech Sunday is simply picking one day per week to severely limit your use of modern technology.

You Make The Rules

The general principle is about taking a break or taking a rest. Make it approachable and doable just to try it out. Don’t go all extreme, creating stress, and failure. Just test it out!

Create Exciting Substitutions

Forget a battle of willpower, fill your Tech Sabbath with things you want to do…and also soak up time and attention. Board game, baking, and outdoor recreation are the go-to examples of analog activities that provide complete distraction from our distraction. But even scheduling a walk through an interesting landscape is enough…but you have to actually schedule it.

Notice The Contrast

Instead of habitually reaching for technology during the sabbath, notice exactly why you are reaching for it – what does the tech do well and not do well? Then use those observations to use your tech in better ways.

Schedule a tech sabbath and analog things to fill the day with.

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