3 Reasons Why Personal Websites Are Underrated

Personal websites and blogs are not as cool as they were in the early 2000s, but they have never been easier to set up and have never been more useful than now.
You Own It All
Creating content and investing time on someone else’s platform is like building a house on someone else’s land. It might work for a while…but it’s just not the same as building on land you own. There’s a certain something that is just better.
Make It Your Own
Personal websites can be your own creation. You don’t get flattened into a square, a feed, or a graph. You are just you.
It’s a Fun Pathway into New Skills
Running a personal blog is like gardening. You don’t really have to do it. But like how gardening helps you actively learn about plants, seasons, cooking, etc; running a blog is a fun active way to learn CSS, HTML, Javascript, etc.
Memorizing CSS classes is mind-numbing, but making your profile picture a circle instead of a square? Satisfying.
Start a personal website!
The free easy route is Blogger, Google Sites, or WordPress.com. Want to go to the next level? Get a domain from NameCheap and use their EasyWP to get a self-hosted WordPress powered website.