3 Reasons Why Open University Courses Are Underrated

3 Reasons Why Open University Courses Are Underrated 1

Unless you need a piece of paper proving that you know something, skills and knowledge are wide open now.

Take Knowledge for a Test Drive

For years, I toyed with the idea of getting an additional degree in Geographic Information Systems. I had this idea about what it was about. In the before times, I would have invested $$$ and time in starting and failing at a degree. But with Open University Courses, I tried it, hated it, and bailed. I re-focused on a completely separate set of skills instead.

Understand What You Did Not Know That You Did Not Know

Use Open University Courses as a warm up before actually digging into the hard work of learning. You know how visiting a city even once, briefly, creates a much better experience the next time you go? Open University Courses allow you to get the “lay of the land” before starting on a serious, paid endeavor.

Learn For Learning’s Sake

Sure, a Yale or MIT degree still costs $$$…but how insane is it that you, me, anyone in the world can access the absolute best that human educational institutions can offer…for free..anytime…anywhere.

Head to Open Culture, browse, and start a course. It’s free!

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