3 Reasons Why Public Domain Magazines Are Underrated

3 Reasons Why Public Domain Magazines Are Underrated 1

Public domain magazines and newspapers are often overlooked as valuable resources, but they offer a wealth of information and benefits that are underrated in several ways.

Shortcut Into Actual History

Even though I’m aware of wars, the economy, and world leaders…those things do not dominate my day to day living. And it’s always been that way. I love flipping through old magazines to see what life was actually like way back when

Reminder That Things Stay The Same

Fashions come and go; generations make fun of each other; people are freaking out about technology; people are hyping technology; people are making money; people money. It’s all the same – which is a centering reminder.

Get New Ideas

There is a ton of inspiration buried in old magazines. And best of all – it’s all in the public domain for the taking. It’s my and your cultural heritage for free. One thing I’m testing is having AI rewrite old stories that I find interesting…but just need a bit of updating to make the writing feel fresh.

Head to the library and just flip through a few. Or online too and on Google Books – that’s available as well!

There’s also the Weird Old Book Finder that sorts Google Books.

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