3 Reasons Why City Parks Are Underrated

City parks are the workhorses of free, public space. They are amazing but also taken for granted.
City Parks Are A Place To Just Be
It’s hard to put a value on being able to move in a space with no requirements and no admission. When you have that space, it’s easy to take for granted because it feels natural. But it’s not! It’s a decision made by the City. Use it and enjoy it and fight for more of it.
City Parks Can Change & Do Change
National and State Parks have a mission that exists over years, decades, and possibly centuries. City Parks don’t – and that’s a good thing! Cities change, neighborhoods change, and people change. This year’s tennis is next year’s pickleball. Think about what your city park could be.
City Parks Get Better With Use
It’s hard to overuse a city park. Sure, there are outlier examples. But those outliers have the budget and support to deal with the extra use. City parks are workhorses that need people. With more people, there’s more attention, political support, budget, volunteers, and care put into the space. People using the park attracts more people who want to use the park…which continues the good cycle. Simply using the park makes it better.
Make your city park a habit – and don’t forget to visit others in your city.