4 Notes on Visiting Little Ocmulgee State Park

Beach at Little Ocmulgee State Park

Little Ocmulgee State Park is one of Georgia’s oldest State Parks in middle Georgia. It has a lake built by the CCC, and is very accessible right off I-16 between Macon & Savannah. We got to stop in for a couple hours on the way back from Florida.

It’s Managed by Coral Hospitality

In Georgia, State Parks are all owned by the citizens of Georgia in trust by the State. And all but four (as of 2024) are operated by the Division of State Parks in the Department of Natural Resources (GA DNR).

Little Ocmulgee State Park is one of the four not operated by the Division of State Parks. Instead, the GA DNR leased operations to Coral Hospitality back in the late 2000s in response to the budget cuts after the Great Recession.

The arrangement has not gone well for visitors. At other Parks, Coral made capital investments in profitable amenities and neglected operations (which has led to serious issues at other Parks…and the State not renewing their contract at other Parks). It’s the same story at Little Ocmulgee.

In other words, the golf course, convention center, and lodge are in great shape…but the trails, beaches, landscape, bathrooms, roads, nature center, etc, etc are all in rough shape. They all need a serious upgrade to be on par with Georgia’s other State Parks.

I hope the great folks at Georgia DNR refuse to renew Coral’s lease and let our amazing State Park Rangers run the Park like it should be run.

Lake ocmulgee Is Huge

The Lake was built by the CCC back in the 1930s. And like other CCC lakes, it’s something else. The Lake is huge, beautiful, varied, surrounded by native trees and wildlife. And, it’s completely surrounded by Park land, so it “feels” like you are far away from development.

The Park Has Serious Potential

Right now, the Park is building out lakeside cabins. There is an existing network of trails, a large lake beach, huge picnic areas, boat ramps, and lots of acreage. I didn’t play the golf course, but it looks like it’s in great shape. There’s potential for mountain biking trails and fishing docks.

It’s also right off the Interstate with high potential for RV & Trailer camping (a big part of the budget at GA DNR-run State Parks).

It’s not much right now, but I do hope the State invests a bit of money to re-set the Park for the future. The whole area of Georgia needs more public land – and Little Ocmulgee is a great place to start.

It’s Still In Middle Georgia

If you are showing up in the summer, be prepared for high temperatures, gnats, and ticks. Shoulder seasons are great and winter is ideal – same as other underrated Parks in South Georgia.

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