The Best Unlikely Sandwich

A few months ago when the New York Times wrote about PB&P sandwiches (yes, as in Peanut Butter and Pickle) – it got quite a bit of attention. The article was the most emailed that day, and made it to the Front Page of Reddit.
Apparently there is a whole cohort of people in America who know about all sorts of unlikely pairings with peanut butter. I had never met any of these sandwich anarchists before (everyone I know is a PB&J die-hard) – and was really skeptical as well of the idea of peanut butter paired with pickles.
But at the same time – I had never taken to PB&Js, yet always want something that’s quick and easy…but isn’t just plain peanut butter.
So last week, I finally got around to buying a few pickles (trusty Dill, though I understand that sweeter pickles are divine with peanut butter). Whatever.

And today I actually tried it…
And wow. I cannot believe that I have gone 27 years without knowing about this bit of sandwich knowledge.
It’s kind of like a Wes Anderson film – I have no idea how it works; it’s kind of quirky, but I absolutely love it.
The pickles complement the peanut butter so much better than jelly ever could – especially at lunchtime.
Either way – stop reading, and stop being curious, and go make a peanut butter and pickle sandwich.