The Devil’s Financial Dictionary by Jason Zweig Book Review


The Devil’s Financial Dictionary was a small book that I picked up at the library. It’s inspired by Ambrose Bierce’s satirical Devil’s Dictionary back in 1906. The writer is a long-time veteran of the financial industry.

What I Liked

The book was funny and fast paced. It also got really into the weeds of finance & investing, so it was oddly educational.

The book is formatted just like a dictionary, so it was easy to flip & browse rather than reading straight through.

Like most satire, the book also had a biting truth in the background. The financial industry at its best should be much smaller, simpler and more useful to society than it actually is. It’s complex, convoluted, and parasitic.

Good satire brings that out in an approachable, funny, way. I like how this book did that.

What I Did Not Like

The Devil’s Financial Dictionary requires some knowledge of the financial industry to make sense. Actually, it requires a good bit. There were plenty of entries that I understood on an intellectual level, but did not really understand the satire.

The dictionary formatting has some upsides, but it also made reading the book in a sitting really tedious.


The book was worth a browse from the library, especially if you have a passing interest in personal finance or investing. I can’t say that I would buy it though.

The Devil's Financial Dictionary by Jason Zweig
I recently read The Devil's Financial Dictionary by Jason Zweig, a witty take on finance inspired by Ambrose Bierce's classic. The book is packed with humor and offers a surprisingly educational look at the complexities of the financial world. I loved its satirical bite, highlighting how convoluted and self-serving the industry can be. However, it does require some prior knowledge of finance to fully appreciate the jokes, which can be a bit of a hurdle. Overall, it’s a fun library read, but I wouldn’t rush to buy it for my shelf.
  • The book is funny and fast-paced.
  • It offers educational insights into finance and investing.
  • The dictionary format makes it easy to browse.
  • The satire provides a biting truth about the financial industry.
  • It requires a significant knowledge of the financial industry to fully appreciate the satire.
  • The dictionary formatting can make reading tedious.
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02/12/2025 12:38 am GMT
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